Hello, everybody!
I'm just gonna come clean: I'm a bad webmaster and I know it. No posts nor updates since December? For shame!
But it's not as if I haven't been busy! Work on the cartoon came to an unforseen hiatus when suddenly some important files for my animation program apparently disappeared. However, I downloaded a new version of that program and am excited to get back to work. In addition, my band, Proudest Angel, tracked an album that is nearly done being mixed for our release show on July 30th. The engineer of said endeavor? Yours truly! It's a labor of love, but still very much a LABOR!
Something else that got put on the back burner (aside from the Pirate sequel) is the editing of an older novel of mine, Rise On Wings of Fire. I'm considering splitting into two books, but that would mean beefing up the section that would thus be the end of the first book.
So what all this means is that there are a lot of irons in the fire and you can expect an avalanche of content starting with the release of a lyric video for Proudest Angel's forthcoming single, Civilly Feral.
All I really want to say is that I'm grateful for your support and patience. Thank you for all the love, my tens of fans!